Your trusted assistant
What is Conversational Co-Pilot
Co-Pilot is a ChatGPT like conversational app trained on data and knowledge specific to materials of concern. It is designed to answer basic questions such as “Is Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFAS?” to advanced questions such as “Does this product contain PFAS? Provide the supplier name and regulations it is impacted by.”
How we do it
Unlock Knowledge Potential
Generative AI enabled Q&A based on knowledge approved by expert users
Customized Knowledge Management
Citation of source of information and public/private categories. Ability to select the scope, i.e. specific knowledge for Q&A vs. all knowledge
Empower Your Administration
Customized Access Control: Tailor visibility and control based on user roles.
Conversational Co-Pilots
Your trusted assistant
What is Conversational Co-Pilot
Co-Pilot is a ChatGPT like conversational app trained on data and knowledge specific to materials of concern. It is designed to answer basic questions such as “Is Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFAS?” to advanced questions such as “Does this product contain PFAS? Provide the supplier name and regulations it is impacted by.”
How We Do It
Unlock Knowledge Potential
Generative AI enabled Q&A based on knowledge approved by expert users
Customized Knowledge Management
Citation of source of information and public/private categories. Ability to select the scope, i.e. specific knowledge for Q&A vs. all knowledge
Empower Your Administration
Customized Access Control: Tailor visibility and control based on user roles.
Easy access to information, eliminating the need for
hundreds of dashboards
AI-Powered Recommendations: Intelligent prompts
guide deeper analysis with relevant questions and
improves efficiency
Integrations within the platform, e.g. with the
regulatory reporting app to answer reporting and
disclosure questions